As of January 1, 2019, in accordance with the Monterey City Code 30-1.2 (Ordinance 3579), the City of Monterey began implementing a mandatory "Sanitary Sewer Lateral Inspection and Repair Program". The new program updates the process and uses a new form. The new form replaces the previously accepted "Plumber's report" regarding the condition of the sewer lateral, backwater valve, and sewer relief vent. There will be a $105 sewer later report fee associated with this form.
This is the only form that the City of Monterey will accept when determining the condition of the sanitary sewer lateral systems. We will no longer accept invoices, or later reports typed up on company letterheads.
Over the last few years, the City has rehabbed many of its sewer mains. If you are doing a project which requires a connection to the city sewer main, you will need to coordinate with the Streets Division to have the sewer line hydro-jetted. The city will provide direction regarding the appropriate kind of connection to be made, and that connection will need to be inspected before the job can be backfilled.
Using the Property Review Feature to Check a Property for a Sewer Lateral and a Back Water Valve:
You can check a property in Monterey to see if it has a sewer lateral already installed, along with an associated backwater valve. Click the button below, the Address option at the top right of the page, then the box to at the bottom of the window.
Find out if you have a sewer lateral line and a backwater valve on your property
Raw sewage. Have you ever had it come out of your toilets, shower stalls or sinks? Though rare, some residents have experienced such unfortunate events. While the City has an aggressive maintenance program that includes cleaning and inspecting sewer mains, it is still possible that a City sewer main can plug up and lead to sewage flooding. However, by installing sewer laterals and release valves (SRV and BWV) on at-risk properties, owners can minimize their exposure to such an incident. Find out more information in this guide.
What is the City’s residential sewer lateral backwater device requirement? Section 9.1 of the City Code requires both a sewer relief vent (SRV) and a backwater valve (BWV) be installed on your sewer lateral, if the lowest plumbing fixture in your home is lower than two feet above the nearest upstream manhole cover. (See illustration #1 below) It is also the responsibility of the homeowner to maintain both of these devices so that they operate properly. Why are they required? Although the City has an aggressive sewer main inspection and maintenance program, our sewer mains can and do become partially or fully blocked due to roots and/or other debris introduced into the sewage system. When blockages occur in the sewer main, effluent can backup into residential sewer laterals and, if not properly protected, directly into residences.
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